Posters For Technical Fest
Main Event Poster listing out all the event names and sponsors names

Main Event Poster listing out all the event names and sponsors names

A landscape version of Main Poster

A landscape version of Main Poster

Event poster designed with neural network theme in mind.

Event poster designed with neural network theme in mind.

A rejected blackboard design mockup listing out the event names

A rejected blackboard design mockup listing out the event names

Poster made to attract people to present their research papers. Characters used are from stock images.

Poster made to attract people to present their research papers. Characters used are from stock images.

Poster made to attract people to Create a unique poster of their style.

Poster made to attract people to Create a unique poster of their style.

These are some of the posters which I have created in photoshop and illustrator.
These works are done to promote the events held during the national level technical fest which happens every year in our college.