Instrument Selection and Difficulty Selection Screen
Revamped Ingame Ui screen where despite focusing on symmetry, the powerups are kept in an ideal position where they can be interacted with without stressing out during peak gameplay
Achievements screen wherein drums were used instead of stars like regular games to blend the UI with the theme of the game.
Pratice matches scoreboard wherin instead of changing whole Ui, loser screen was replaced from above image to limited offer
profile picture customization screen where you can unlock unique profile images.
LootBox Screen Which pops up when we claim an achievement reward and the loot box is created with the company name on it.
Leaderboards screen was a bit complex to wireframe as there were lot of choices which had to be inclusive in the design
Powerups which can be purchased before the start of the game.
PVP Scoreboard
Login Page wherein you can either use the popular social media platforms or you can create your own ID